Friday, March 8, 2013

Executive Clothing by Sword Photography

What Are You Wearing Today?

Not some thought about whether you are in your pajamas, but what professional image do your clothes convey to your employer, staff and colleagues about you?

Can you ever be over dressed for an occasion? Yes, of course. But it is better to arrive over dressed for a meeting or job interview than to get turned away at the door because you thought a t-shirt and sneakers would cut it. That my friend is a lost opportunity.

Or how about turning up to see a new customer with lipstick on your nose, or mascara applied with a spade? What looked good in the 1960's or 80's does not look so good today. Times have changed. James Bond's tailored suit of the 1960's has changed with the times. Grace Kelly's famous make-up has also changed. So too must our look and style.

How about corporate looks? Has Apple's logo changed over the years? Yes, it sure has and by quite a bit. The form is still the same, but the style and colors have changed with the times. (Footnote 1)

Going back to the question, "Can you ever be over dressed?", I think one can make a mistake and turn up to a business casual event in a black-tie and dinner jacket, but you will stand out as the best dressed person in the room. Or, how about that woman who wears a stunning red dress to a pub event? She certainly is over dressed, but boy, does she stand out from the crowd and stick in peoples minds. "Ah yes", the business owner remembers, "the woman in the red dress".

Katherine Z. Martin and H.M. Consul General Annabelle Malins
BABCNC 2013 Awards Charlotte, NC

What do you remember about Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock's thriller "Rear Window"? Yes an elegant woman, but more, a well dressed lady of her time. Towards the end of the film, we see her dressed as a confident woman resting in James Stewart's appartment. James Bond on the other hand finished his last film dressed in London business smart.

Why do we see James Bond in tailored suits and black ties? Because his image as a wealthy man of power looks great on the big screen and appeals to many generations of men and women. By the way, James Bond, the franchise just celebrated it's 50th Anniversary and is the longest running movie franchise in the world. Wow! It is a story with a successful wardrobe formula.

"But", you ask, "what about Richard Branson and other executives who wear a "casual" look?" The answer to this question lies in their industry norms, position in life and wealth. But I assure you, when Richard Branson met the Queen of England for his Knighthood, he dressed smartly and appropriately. As did David Beckham the great English soccer star.

Abraham Lincoln was always dressed appropriately for his time. But just as the 'stove-pipe' tall hat has gone, we too must re-fresh our own wardrobe. How often?, depends entirely on your position in life and job. If for example your job has the slightest hint of public engagements, then having a good wardrobe selection is vital. You cannot afford to look shabby too many times.

 Looking fabulous in a silk dress and designer pants

Dressing and behaving appropriately takes practice and time. No-one is an expert to begin with. But the more I wear my business smart clothes, the more it just becomes an extension of who I am and not the other way round.

To learn more about how to look great in person and in LinkedIn, blogs, press-releases, brochures and more, please call Sword Photography at: 919-500-8902

Written by:
Richard J. Martin
March 8th, 2013
Updated March 24th 2013

Cosmetics and Wardrobe by:
KZCosmetics (Professionally Trained Makeup Artist)
KZ will be writing some knowledgeable articles for Sword Photography on cosmetics and wardrobe over the coming months.

Portrait of KZ Cosmetics by Sword Photography

Sword Photography LLC
"Sharp Professional Portraits"

Tel: 919-500-8902


Footnotes and Bibliographies:

Corporate Logo Change Over the Years