What Can I Expect During an Executive Head Shot Portrait Photograph by Sword Photography LLC
Sword Photography tries to make your executive head shot portrait sitting similar to making a cup of hot chocolate. It is as easy as:
- Boiling the Water.
- Picking out your favorite cup.
- Opening the hot chocolate packet
- Emptying it in to the cup.
- Adding hot water and a dash of milk (if desired).
- Stirring it and enjoying the rich sweet flavor of hot chocolate.
When you turn up for a Sword portrait sitting, you should come relaxed, knowing that it is a very easy task for you to complete and enjoy. All you have to do is wear your best clothes, put on your fine watch or jewelry, makeup and come ready to sit for 10 minutes and follow a few instructions from your Sword photographer.
If you are coming by yourself to one of our studios, you are always welcome to bring a friend.
The Sword Photographer might ask you to lean forward, or turn your head to the side, smile or no smile, crack a joke or be asked to talk about your favorite hobby.
The Photographer is trained at putting you at ease and ensuring that your best portrait image is captured on that day. It really is that simple. It is painless and often fun. We take good care of you. It is not everyday that a photographer is hired to take YOUR photo and make you look your best.
Before your sitting, Sword Photography will give portrait help and advice. We are on hand to help you with wardrobe (clothing), style, brand and makeup choices. We use professional and courteous makeup artists and hair stylists when asked.
Group Photograph
This is also a great time to get that staff Team photograph taken. Now that all the staff are together in one place, on the same day, what are you waiting for? Have another cup of hot chocolate. It is easy. Sword group photos usually take about 5 to 10 minutes and are a fantastic keep sake. They are great for Twitter, Facebook, corporate websites, board room and Blogs. Group photos make excellent Holiday and Christmas cards to your customers.
What happens after the portrait sitting?
You go home or back to your job and the photographer will edit the photographs to show you a collection of the best images from the sitting. This can be as few as three and as many as twenty depending on wardrobe changes etc. Usually the goal of the portrait sitting is to get one great photograph that you can use in your marketing and online social presence. However, some people need more than one portrait image. For example, building a web site, magazine article or sales brochure.
The photographs from the sitting will be placed on a password protected web site. Here you can view your images, see examples of different crops and finished products. All you need to write down are the last few digits of your image name.
The goal at this "first proof" stage, is to eliminate the photos that you don't like, and pick the ones that you do like. Usually, one image will stand head and shoulders (excuse the pun) above all the others. You communicate this best image to the photographer who then artistically improves the image with post-production tools like color correction, skin softening, sharpening and any edits that you have asked for.

This edits might be stray hair removal or a blemish from that bicycle crash when you were ten or softening of some lines on your face. We all have these blemishes, and it is fine to ask us to have them softened or removed. Keep in mind that the end product, an online head shot portrait will often be viewed as a small image on a monitor where your image takes on a "painterly" look.
A day or two later, you will receive your final polished images delivered by email download. You can easily post your new profile photo to your favorite social media page, send the print ready file off to the printers for your business cards, apply for that next job or promotion and send a copy to friends and loved ones for their enjoyment.
(If you are concerned by what your Boss or Manager might think, a short message to them
before you publish your new image, can alleviate most concerns that they might have. If they suddenly see a new image of you pop up without any explanation, they might get concerned. There are many good reasons to have a new portrait photograph. For example: gifts to mother, birthday presents, graduation, passport, family album, Facebook page, sales proposals, new look, always wanted one, new hairstyle, be creative.)
Getting a Sword Photography executive head shot portrait is incredibly easy, and it has the power to help you, give you confidence, help you get that next promotion or job, give joy to friends, gifts to loved ones and transform your personal image with a professional photo. Your new Sword profile portrait will stand out. Think about how famous people often have an enduring portrait or "look".
Please call Sword Photography at 919-500-8902 or email me at
Richard@SwordPhotography.com to discuss your portrait needs or those of your employer. Sword Photography likes to travel to office locations, businesses and take photographs of whole staff departments. Sword's products include Linkedin and Facebook web ready files, high resolution digital print ready files and actual physical prints. We use a professional print lab.
Don't rely on that mug shot by the office wall, it will look like a mug shot by the office wall. Instead hirer a professional like Richard J Martin from Sword Photography and get the job done well first time. First impressions are very important and you only get one chance at a first impression. Even if your first impression is only online, make it a good first impression.
See our next Sword Photography Blog topic on Preparing your face for a portrait. This includes skin care.
Other Services and Products Provided by Sword Photography LLC
- Makeup by the session, half and full days
- Hair Stylists by the half and full days
- In Studio portrait photography, including after hours appointments for the busy exec.
- On Location Office portrait head shot photography
- Environmental portraits of your staff in the office or out in the field
- Product photography - both large and small
- Photographer Referral Service. You ask Sword Photography to find you a trusted and professional photographer to take your daughters senior portraits; or wedding; or family reunion photo; or product photographs.
Bon visage,
Richard J Martin
Sword Photography LLC
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